Wednesday, May 23, 2012

"Yolo" & "Swag"

Hey AdrakeG signing in! I’m here today to address a topic that has been bugging my for some time know. Oh. My. Gosh. You have no idea how tired I am of hearing “YOLO!” and “SWAG!” every minute.
                Point A: Swag is probably the dumbest thing …ever.  People don’t even have a legitimate meaning to the “word.” And I know that CaptainKNT has always talked about swag (fyi he’s kidding) but I oppose it. Ask anyone my age what they think swag is and they will say “it’s someone’s style and their entire demeanor.” Wrong! Swag means stupid. I’m so tired of people saying it.
                Point B: As for yolo, omg. I am like the biggest Drake fan in the world (hence the pen name AdrakeG- Aubrey Drake Graham), and yolo became what it is today thanks to Drake. People don’t understand what yolo is- You Only Live Once. Although people don’t understand that, yolo means doing something meaningful and memorable, it means causing change, making an impact- for the better, it means standing up for what you believe in, fighting for what you want, never giving up. Yolo means living life to the fullest, it means be the best you can be. That’s the yolo I support, but kids these days think yolo mean this- nonstop partying, making stupid choices, slacking in school,  overall just wasting their life away. That’s the widespread yolo, that’s what I despise.  

We Lack Ambition

               Hey AdrakeG here! And lately CaptainKNT has been talking all about swag. Well I say, forget swag, class is what you need, ambition is what you need, not swag. Forget swag why? Because in ten years “swag” isn’t going to pay the bills. Kids our age need to start thinking more about their hopes, their dreams- their ambition. Wale is known as “the poet,” which is exactly what he is. In his song Ambition , a portion of the hook is “Easy to dream a dream, though it’s harder to live it. They gon love me for my Ambition.” Couldn’t have said it better, they aren’t going to love your swag, their going love your ambition. This song, this song should be our generation’s theme song, too bad we’re all caught up with our “Swag.” 


            Oh no! It’s Thursday afternoon and you just remembered you have a test after lunch, and you didn’t study what now?!?!?! The dreaded tests… just kidding tests are those things in school almost everyone hates and stresses over. I’m sure we’ve all forgotten a test or two and that sucks but the situation I gave an example of can be avoided. This post will contain some quick tips on taking and remembering tests.
            I’m sure most people have heard of this but make sure to keep an agenda and when your teacher tells you that you have a test write it down. Study at least two days before the test because the day before the test you may not be able to. If a study guide is given USE IT, don’t act like you’re to cool to study (because you’re not). Make sure you also get a good night of sleep before the test so that you can stay focused. During the test try to stay focused, don’t try to joke around with your friends or play with a pencil or something. Check your work and make sure you didn’t miss any problems along the way. Once you’re done working you will feel a lot better and proud that you did such a good job on your test (hopefully J). Follow these tips and you will be on your way to becoming a great test taker.

Annoying People

You’re walking down the hall with a rolling backpack, a guy walks up and says, “Haha, you have a fat backpack” when it has almost nothing in it. There will always be those annoying people who have nothing to do with themselves other than make other people’s head explode from anger. Any school will have them no matter how good you think your school is. There are a few ways to do this without beating them down to the ground that I will cover them in this blog.
Tip one for dealing with annoying people: keep it cool. This is the most important tip for dealing with annoying people because it will keep you from getting in trouble. Keeping your temper will prevent you from saying or doing something wrong and in turn get you in trouble. It also will give the person less of a motivation to annoy you since most annoying people just like to see your face be red. It also is overall better to stay calm during your troubles; it is a lot better than being angry.
Tip two for dealing with annoying people: ignoring them. This is one of the best tips that most people would know but it can sometimes be hard to do. It is not the easiest thing to say nothing to someone after they just called you a name but you must. It would be even better if you just pretend you didn’t hear what they say and walk away. This goes along with keeping it cool since you can stay calm if you never listen to the insults they give. Also just tell yourself,” That’s not true, in fact that was a stupid thing to say.” This will help you ignore annoying people.
Tip three for dealing with annoying people: using your brain. What I mean by that is realize what they say is probroby not true and realize they probably are saying it just to see you become angry. In fact they probably feel bad about themselves and are sad they don’t have any Swag like you. Also if you have something to say back say it as long as it’s true; use a comeback. Tell a teacher if it comes to that so that you want have to listen to their nonsense anymore. Well that’s all for this week, I hope this will help you deal with those swagless losers & trolls. Next week we will cover an argument: Backpacks vs. Rolling packs.

Surviving Your First Week

`Hello and this is my (CaptainKNT’s) blog on how to handle your first week of middle school. Alright making a dramatic entrance on the first day of school isn’t going to help you. The best thing to do on the first week is to get to know people. I know that you may be shy and won’t want to talk to anyone but you must overcome your fear if you are to survive middle school. Getting to know people and letting them get to know you is a good way to make friends, you wouldn’t want to be known as the weirdo who has no friends and sits in the corner all day alone, that would be a disaster. Also hang with people who have your same interests.
            The next thing to do on the first week is to make a good impression on the teachers. This is the key to surviving middle school because when the teachers like you they will offer more help and support. It’s also always fun to have funny teachers that fool around every now and then. Another thing is to engage in school activities or sports. It is a great way to get involved and get to know people, it also will keep you active during the week. If I didn’t do sports I would just sit on the couch as soon as I got home. Of course there is one more thing to do on the first week…
            The final thing to do on the first week is to try and understand how the school works and stay organized. Make sure you know your classes and where they are, trust me I’ve gotten lost in the halls plenty of times. Get used to the rules of the school and how people behave; it can be a lot different from your previous school. Make sure to keep a binder and agenda for keeping track of homework and other things. Last but not least keep up your Swag. Do all of these things and you might just Survive Middle School!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


            Hello, my name is CaptainKNT and welcome to our guide on how to survive middle school. Are you having your grades drop, is someone annoying or bullying you, or are you just having trouble making friends? Well, our blog will help you with all of these and many more problems you may have in an average middle school. We will be posting once a week, every week. Even send in one of your questions or problems in the comments and we will find a way to solve it. This is a perfect blog if you are having troubles with grades or social life.

            Hello there! My name is AdrakeG and welcome to our blog. CaptainKNT and I will each be posting once a week, every week. We will post about daily issues an average middle school student faces, tips and tricks to make your daily game easier, etc. We are eager to answer any questions you have, just email us. We love receiving feedback from you guys. If you have any issues, questions, or considerations please feel free.

            Next week we will be posting about finding friends and tips to stay classy and keep up the swag. So tune in here for these and other topics.