Hello, my name is CaptainKNT and welcome to our guide on how to survive
middle school. Are you having your grades drop, is someone annoying or bullying
you, or are you just having trouble making friends? Well, our blog will help
you with all of these and many more problems you may have in an average middle
school. We will be posting once a week, every week. Even send in one of your
questions or problems in the comments and we will find a way to solve it. This
is a perfect blog if you are having troubles with grades or social life.
Hello there! My name is
AdrakeG and welcome to our blog. CaptainKNT and I will each be posting once a
week, every week. We will post about daily issues an average middle school
student faces, tips and tricks to make your daily game easier, etc. We are
eager to answer any questions you have, just email us.
We love receiving feedback from you guys. If you have any issues, questions, or
considerations please feel free.
Next week we will be
posting about finding friends and tips to stay classy and keep up the swag. So
tune in here for these and other topics.